Friday 4 April 2014



We interviewed Miss Smith-Crallan on her new position as Head of Humanities and also threw in a few fun and unrelated questions for your amusement.

How is Head of Humanities going?
It’s very busy, but I love it.

What made you change from Head of Year 12 to Head of Humanities?
It was a really exciting to get involved in all the subjects as I really love all of the subjects in Humanities. I find them all really exciting and I  couldn't wait to get more involved with all the  lessons. I do really miss year 12 but don’t miss sharing an office with Mr Cook!

What do you prefer?
I loved both, they're really different, both busy and both stressful but really rewarding. I think Miss Fuller is doing an amazing job as Head of Year 12.

What’s your favourite subject to teach?
My favourite subject is Sociology because it’s really interesting and you get to look at and understand how society works around you. Government and Politics is also amazing and has way better students!

What made you want to become a teacher?
I have worked in a bunch of other jobs, including sales, working in the council and recruitment and with all of them I got really bored after about 6 months. At first, the job is interesting while I was learning but then I'd easily get bored. However teaching is really exciting and I never get bored as it’s always different and  you never have to do the same thing twice as children are always different, so it’s really fun.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I am going to be ruling the world! Or alternatively I’d really like to be a head teacher.

What’s your action plan for a zombie apocalypse?
I've spoken to my friend who works for the Ministry of Defence and so I'm going to drive out of London as quickly as possible as there’s loads of people here and get into the countryside where my friend lives. He has access to weapons and stuff and probably a secret bunker somewhere.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
I love binge watching Netflix all weekend, I mean entire weekends watching one season all the way through until 3am— potentially with some chocolate!

Favourite Rom-Com?
Umm, ooh 10 Things I Hate About You!

Charlie Heselden (Y12)

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